Sunday 12 August 2012

Needle felting

Needle felting with Lyndsay McFarlane

We had a lovely time with Lyndsay who is a great teacher teaching us the basics of needle felting balls for jewellery and heart brooches is amazing how these little pieces can be so therapeutic to do .   We will be interested in doing more courses so keep aneye on our calendar. 

Lyndsay also has loads of kits available - great for presents.

Saturday 11 August 2012

New Gallery and Workshop

As you will probably know, we are changing the way we are doing things.  we are running art and craft art/craft workshops as well as expanding our exhibition programme to include more solo shows as well as our mixed shows. 

We have started with a successful abstract course with Arie Vardi and the ladies thoroughly enjoyed it, though when you're mind is trained to paint as you see it is very difficult to see the abstracted view..... hey but it's fun trying!!  

Onto the next workshop....